Wednesday, September 30, 2009


The movie Crash fully validates Wiegman's article "Race, ethnicity, and film", by showing a thorough example of Hollywood's portrayal of stereotypes and racist behavior. There is the Asian "bad driver" who threatens to "deport" the Latin-American cop, the black "thief" who complains about racism yet is racist himself, the "racist" white cop who abuses the black woman, the "crazy" Arab who attacks the innocent, etc... The movie, however, intends to renounce these stereotypes by showing the story behind each character's life and the conclusions they finally come to at the end of the movie. Most of the characters engage in acts which denounce their racist thinking, displaying to the audience the goodness in each character and thus criticizing their initial stereotypes. The new crash scene at the end of the movie, however, presents a saddening conclusion, that racism is inevitable and will always be a part of our lives no matter what we go through and how much we fight against it.

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